While meandering through the maze of streets and canals on our first day in Venice, we happened upon some folk setting up tables for an upcoming antique market in the Campo San Maurizio. Happily, there was a poster informing us that the market would be open during our stay in Venice. I always love going to antique markets in Europe as the stock can be so different from what we see at US markets. We made plans to attend on Saturday morning.

Not surprised, this antique market in Venice had an over abundance of ornate bric-a-brac, silverware, and vintage Murano glass making up the bulk of the inventory at most of the booths. Interesting to look at, but I wasn’t really seeing anything to my taste. I was on the prowl for jewelry or textiles or buttons – all easily stuffed into a carry on bag.
After cruising up and down several aisles, I was beginning to lose heart. We had but two days before heading home, and for sure this would be my last European antique market opportunity of the trip, and I wasn’t seeing anything I wanted to buy. Even a table full of Italian silk scarves proved to be a big bust.

With nothing singing “buy me!”, I complained to my son-in-law Josh, “I wish I could find a bowl of buttons to dig through”. Just then, I turned the corner, and Eureka! Not a bowl, but a small box of vintage Murano glass, shank-back buttons priced at 5 euros apiece. Oh joy! Oh rapture!
Gaining permission from the seller to have a in-depth sort through the box, I found the majority of the buttons, like any piece of handmade glass, were very unique unto themselves. I was able to find some buttons that were similar to one another, made up a few sets, and tried to bargain for a quantity deal. No luck! I decided to limit my spending on the buttons to 50 euros, and came away with 3 sets for a total of 10 pretty buttons – 5 round azure with silvery sparkles, 3 round dark amber with gold sparkles, and 2 square amber with gold foil.

I don’t know what, if anything, I will ever do with these buttons. Being solid glass, they are quite heavy – maybe a special jacket, or sweater?
Shrug. Whatever. I love them. Even if they just sit in my button stash forever I’ll never forget that bright and sunny morning in Venice, and the elation of combing through that button treasure trove. Simple pleasures.
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